eQualitie launches CENO, world’s first decentralized p2p mobile browser
CENO Browser lets anyone access and share information in areas with censored communications Montreal, May 10, 2022 – eQualitie, developer…
IGF 2024 in Montreal
Join eQualitie in encouraging the government of Canada to invite the IGF Secretariat to Montreal in 2024.
- at the Internet Freedom Festival
The Internet Freedom Festival (IFF), the Global Unconference of the Internet Freedom Communities, will take place in Valencia, Spain, from…
Internet Freedom Festival: Tool showcase
The Internet Freedom Festival, which will take place in Valencia, Spain, from the 1st to the 6th March 2016, is…
Q1 2014 Traffic Report: DDoStoyevsky’s Crimean Punishment
In the last 12 months we have seen steady growth in many aspects of the Deflect project, particularly with respect…
DBP: Our Philosophy
The Deflect team has spent the last two years mitigating DDoS attacks against independent media and human rights websites. We’ve…