
  • Removing the WordPress admin User

    Brute-force login attempts are typically carried out against the “admin” user. “Admin” used to be the default username of the…

  • Protecting Your WordPress Website

    Hosted behind the Deflect network, eQPress is designed to prevent your site from getting attacked or hacked. Security is best…

  • Debugging the Dreaded “White Screen of Death”

    If you are here because you recently installed a plugin, then take a look at this flow chart. Both PHP…

  • Can I get my own IP?

    Yes, if you require your own IP address you can purchase one for $10 per month.

  • How often is my site backed up?

    Backup are important so we take a multi-layered approach. The first is an enterprise level solution which encrypts all data…

  • When will my WordPress core get updated?

    WordPress periodically releases maintenance updates. These are typically for significant bug fixes or security issues. Since these upgrades might have…

  • Antispam Recommendations

    Spam is a bummer, as we’re sure most of you agree. Here are some antispam tools we’ve personally used. This…