Infracon 2019 – Barcelona

Open Day

The Infracon Open Day invites technology groups, NGOs, organized civil society and media in Barcelona to discuss technology solutions for self-determination and autonomy on the Internet. Register your participation below!

Infracon – is a global conference for independent Internet service providers working on solutions for autonomous infrastructure. eQualitie and Pangea are bringing together several dozen organizations including, Greenhost, RiseUp, LEAP, Autistici, GreenNet, Colnodo, CodigoSur, AlterMundi, APC, MayFirst, Maadix, Sindominio among others, to work together on common web platforms, authentication systems and network solutions – creating viable alternatives to the corporate cloud.

Address: Lleialtat Center

Auditorium *

10:00h – 10:30h: BENVINGUDA I PRESENTACIÓ: Presentarem la jornada i les entitats organitzadores (castellà, anglès)

10:30h – 11:30h: “Censura d’internet al referèndum català”, que hem appres? (castellà, anglès)

Coffee break

11:45 – 13:00: Infracon panel: Digital autonomy and self-determination or how I learned to stop worrying and start loving the Internet: Greenhost; RiseUp; Sindominio, CodigoSur, Maadix (anglès, castellà)

Lunch time

14:30 – 15:30: Estratègies municipals per a l’apoderament digital: Presentació de les 46 Mesures per a l’apoderament digital als municipis. Eines i recursos per als ajuntaments (castellà, anglès)

Coffee break

16:00 – 16:30   Infracon report back and what next for independent ISP (castellà)

16:30 – 17:30:   InfraRed lightning talks: autonomous and secure solutions for hosting, communications and mobilisation (anglès)

* English < > Spanish translation provided in the auditorium

Workshop room

#1 12:00 – 13:00 Glocal Application Services in Community Networks

#3 14:30 – 16:00 Open space