IFF Tech&Tools Showcase 2017 – #9 Toosheh

52% of the world population does not have access to any form of internet. 80% of the world doesn’t have access to an internet that is 100% uncensored. Toosheh is an innovation that can provide access to free data to a lot of people with a limited or no internet access all over the world with the lowest possible cost. What is needed is just a common TV satellite dish.

Toosheh – “knapsack” in Persian – uses datacasting technology to distribute content that would otherwise be inaccessible to people in Iran and the neighboring countries. Using their already installed TV satellite dish, users can access up to 8 GB of information daily, including educational and training materials, news articles, entertainment, movies,  and rapid alerts in the event of a natural disaster. In a region where internet access is severely limited due to infrastructure, price, and government restrictions, Toosheh provides an immersive “bundle” that allows users to engage in worldwide conversations – all at no cost and a data transfer rate of 1 GB an hour.