TA3M, December 19th – the Cryptmas edition

Our techno activism 3rd Mondays events are back! This time with a focus on mobile security and anonymity. As recent reporting highlighted once again the dangers to personal privacy from modern day surveillance, we are offering an overview of current possibilities for improving your mobile privacy, just in time for Christmas! We will discuss:

– Surveillance on cellular and data networks
– Tools for secure and anonymous communications
– Communicating without the network
– Smartphone security
– Android without Google

As usual this will be an informal presentation with a lively discussion and refreshments. This is a public event but please RSVP as space will be limited.

Location: 5445 de Gaspé, suite 602

When? December 19th, 18:00-20:00

Yes, I want to come! Please RSVP below…

To see a history of past TA3M Montreal events please refer to our archive.