IFF Tool Showcase #5: NetAidKit

The NetAidKit is a pocket size, USB powered router that connects everything to everything, designed specifically for non-technical users. The easy to use web interface will allow you to connect the NetAidKit to a wireless or wired network and share that connection with your other devices, such as a phone, laptop or tablet.
Once the NetAidKit is connected to a wireless or wired network, you can make it connect to a Virtual Private Network or to Tor at the click of a button. Any devices connected to the NetAidKit will use these extra security features automatically, without needing to configure each of the devices separately.
By providing an easy to use tool that can either send traffic over secure VPN tunnels, fighting surveillance, or over the Tor network, circumventing censorship, the NetAidKit brings the Internet Freedom Festival‘s goals of “Joining Forces to Fight Censorship and Surveillance” to everyone.
Free Press Unlimited has developed the NetAidKit to give non-technical users an easy way to secure their connections with VPNs or route around censorship with Tor, so that journalists, activists and others can use these technologies without needing to install and set up complicated software. The NetAidKit is an open source, non-profit project, and proceeds from sales will be used to support the project itself and for future development, with the aim of offering to the masses this open source, reliable and easy to use solution for circumventing censorship and fighting surveillance.