When will my WordPress core get updated?

WordPress periodically releases maintenance updates. These are typically for significant bug fixes or security issues. Since these upgrades might have security implications, and because WordPress’s popularity makes it susceptible to an exploit being quickly released, we attempt to apply these upgrades as quickly as possible.

Here’s what the different versions look like:

  • Major release: 4.1
  • Maintenance and/or security release: 4.1.1

Our goal is to upgrade all websites within 6 hours of when a version addressing security issues is made publicly available. All sites will be upgraded no later than 24 hours from the time when the official announcement is made on the WordPress Project’s News blog.

Major releases provided by WordPress can significantly affect its compatibility with plugins and themes. Typically there are no security patches applied therefore the urgency to upgrade is lower. We will provide guidance via our announce mailing list of how the upgrades will eventually be applied to all websites hosted on the platform.